Mission Team from Pittsburg Seminary USA to the Longhouse

Monday, March 21, 2011

This is the Longhouse where we visit twice a month.
This longhouse only have four families.
This is the road to the longhouse Rh Tuan.
This is the first longhouse we adopted.

Short Term Mission Student share a story with the children in Iban.
We taught the children stories and songs with action. They can learn very fast. We also taught them to sing English songs.
The boy in yellow is only 4 years and loves singing. He was just born when we started the Sunday School in this longhouse.
All of them love to sing very much.
This year we have many young children around 3 to 4 years old joining the Sunday School.

You can see there is a longhouse in the Oil palm plantation.

The road is tar sealed and the condition is very good.

Mission Team from Pittsburg Seminary USA joining the Longhouse Mission team in Wesley Methodist Church to the various longhouses along Mukah Road in Sibu. We went there by bus and stop by Selangau for our dinner before proceeding to Mukah.

Selangau is a small town, about one and half hour drive from Sibu. Many travelers stop by this food stall to have a rest and have some drinks or food before going on their journey to Bintulu or Miri.
Getting ready for dinner in Selangau.

Susan and Brady teaching the children to sing in Rh Selabang. The rest of the team members went to the other longhouses. We divided into four teams to go to the other 3 longhouses.

All the team members stop at Selangau for dinner before going to Mukah.
All the brothers and sisters inside the bus on the way to Mukah.
The children in the longhouse listen attentively to Sister Susan as she taught them a new song, "I want to be your friend a little bit more" and another song "There is no one like Jesus". The children can pick up the song in English very fast and able to sing the songs after the teaching.

Children in Prayer.

Children In Prayer Camp 14thMarch 2011

All these are our Prayer Warrior!!! Children in Prayer!!
God is raising a new generation, a young army, a multitude of mighty prayer warriors. They are listening to their father's voice, they are obedient, they are the children in prayer.
Discipling children in prayer Psalm 78:4-8
Children can be taught and encouraged in prayer so they will become mighty intercessors for Christ.

Praying for families.
The children preparing to pray in small group after the game.
Play station Games during the camp.
The children listening to the leader attentively before the games.
Registration time .

Sunday School Teachers Dedication ServiceFeb 2011

All these teachers dedicated their time to serve in the Sunday School faithfully every week. Some of them already serve for more than 10 to 20 years. They are all very busy in their respective work place during weekdays. Thank God for their willingness to serve in the children ministry to bring up the children in God's word. Haleluya!!!!!!

These teaches are as active as the children, singing and dancing with action in the church.
I will fight this fight. I will ran this race. I will serve the Lord in all I do. Till I see your face.
Teachers Singing Action Songs " I will fight this fight" in the 5pm dedication Service.