The Sunday School Teachers presenting an action song.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Sunday School Teachers presenting a children action songs, "We are his children" during the Sunday School teacher's dedication service in the church after the teachers training on 26 & 27Feb2010.

Sunday School Teachers Training

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Here is a video of the WMC Sunday School Teachers, practicing for the Sunday service.
The song is We Are His Children.
We Are His Children

1.I am special, so are You
We are special, all day, everyday
Singing, Praying, Listening
To our Father in Heaven

We are His children, In God's big family
We are His children, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
We are His children, Praise Him Alleluia
We are His children, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!

2. Brothers, sisters, family
God has given more than we deserve
Loving, sharing, happily
God is our Father Eternally