Jesus crucifixion

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fun Fair & Game Day in December2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

Once a year the Sunday School organize a fun fair & game day for the children to enjoy with the coupon they receive in the class. The children can use the coupon to play game and also to redeem some gift items and stationery in the redemption corner.

Some of the children watch bible story video clip & movie after the game in the classroom.
The teacher in charge of the redemption counter

One of the items for the student to redeem.
Fun Fair Game - Play Golf

Fun fair game - Throw the metal ring on the nail

Wheel of Fortune

Throw the ball on the cola tin

Throw the pin pong on the box to strike the number

Throw the metal ring on the nail

Throw the metal ring on the bottle
Throw the ball on the cola tin
Wheel of fortune

Throw the ball into the net


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our Sunday School see the importance of Character building in the Children ministry. We have completed teaching, "Attentiveness","Obedience" and "Responsibility" and "Orderliness" since we started character building education in 2010.

We are the reasons!!!- Video Clip

This is a very touching video clip about Jesus love for us. The Sunday School teachers shared this video clip with the children when they went for a mission trip to Sei Pinyuh, Kalimantan, Inodnesia. Many children were touched after watching it.

Hey! Jesus Loves Me!!

This is a very nice song. I taught the children to sing this song recently and they love singing it with actions. It tells them how Jesus loves them.

Birthday Celebration 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Children in the Sunday School Class celebrated their birthday half yearly together. All the classes joined together to have praise and worship during the first half hour and later played some games. At the end of the game they received a cupcake each with beautiful decoration and have their refreshment together. A time of fellowship and build close relationship together.

Beautiful cupcakes made by the Sunday School teacher for the birthday boys and girls.

Some cupcakes, biscuits and eggs prepared by the teachers for the children in the Sunday School to eat during the birthday celebration.

All the birthday boys and girls receiving a beautiful cupcakes with a candle and the all the children sang a birthday song for them.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I want to know you Lord, you are a great big God
I am young and do not know a lot ,Come and be my all
I want to know you more, Giving you my life and all
You died for me you sacrificed, I won't forget you Lord
I love you Jesus, I grow up knowing you.
I love you Jesus. I grow up serving you
I love you Jesus. My life was saved by you.
I'll never forget, never forget
I'll grow up loving you (Repeat)